Dec 18, 2013


Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today

I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes.
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again.
Sometimes I wanna call you but I know you won't be there

I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you

Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit
Sometimes I just wanna hide 'cause it's you I miss
And it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this
Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?

Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who I am?

There's nothing I wouldn't do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes and see you looking back
If I had just one more day
I would tell you how much that I've missed you since you've been away

It's dangerous
It's so out of line
To try and turn back time

-Lagu langka-

Dec 4, 2013

You don't need to do any stupid thing for an object named crush, for a thing named love. 
They already did it to you. Just don't revenge.

Oct 6, 2013

Malam Minggu Mainstream

Hello readers yang kece badai cetar membahanaaaaa ...
Lama gak ng-alay di sini. Kangen bingits gue :D

  Landak's blog

Malam ini malam minggu.
Bodo amat sih sama malam minggu. Gue jomblo iya, LDR nggak tau iya atau nggak, punya pacar jelas enggak. Handphone gue terlantar dengan nestapa tanpa pulsa. Rumah gue sepi. Ibunda dan Ayahanda tercinta sudah tertidur mesra. Adik gue juga pasti udah ngorok, ninggalin BBM ceweknya, Line selingkuhannya, Whatsapp calon selingkuhan barunya, beserta SMS mantannya (gue kelewat hebat sih ngajarin adik gue pdkt sama cewe)

Sep 30, 2013

Dear Abstract Moments,

Its been two years since I created you, babe ..
Happy birthday. 
Thank you for being the only one friend that never get bored of my idiot stories. 
Wish we can grow up and getting old together :)

I give you a new setting of super simple template, which is so easy to manage and so fast to load.
Hope you enjoy ;)

Sep 21, 2013

I wish ....

I wish I could set the date and time.
Make it runs more slow.
Or set it to be more than 24 hours in a day.

No, guys. Im not drowning in a very deep happiness that I wont let the time running out. 
I just need a longer time for an understanding : how it feels to be a human.
To do life, love, laugh or feel lowdown on most of my time.

Pity me, I'ma robbot now. 
I just do work. Time never allow me to feel a thing.

Aug 2, 2013

"The time is running out. Moments are created. And I have no idea."

Jul 22, 2013

Hello Sixteen!

Huh. I dont know what to say :D
Today I turned to be 16 and yeahhh, like, thats all.

Ppl said that birthday is a right time to wish a thing. And of course I have mine.
 1.  I wish my 16 will be a thousand  more great than my last 15.
 2.  People loving me more than their self.
 3.  Get lucky on everything I do.
 4.  Win a lot of competition.
 5.  Keep strong and healty.
 6.  Have no fluids inside my nose.
 7.  Get much money.
 8.  Get all the stuff I wanna have.
 9.  Being a boss of my lilbro
10. Having a loootttttssss of laughs.
11. Get a true best friend in Bali (one of the most urgent thing I need)
12. Get far from sadness and troubles.
13. Stay beautiful (or even more)
14. Go to Lombok and having a lot of marvellous thing there. 
15. Go to any place outside Bali island for free.
16. Having YOU as my boyfriend (ok, just another wish. or maybe a joke -_-)
Just some common teenager wish. But dont you know? It kinda important!

Well, btw, thankssss aaa loootttsss for everyone who send nor say a birtday wish for me. I love ya guys :*

Btw, here are my favourites :

From my childhood besties

 Been a few year she left me to Canada, till she got back and send me this coolest and longest birthday greet ever!

They made me laughhsss of their super funny struggle for giving me that birthday cake.
Also made me like freezing under the shower in the mid night of their thrown flour and eggs -_-

Lol. Happy Birthday me. 
God Bless me :)

Jun 19, 2013


Hi everyone :D
Ini hari libur gue yang kedua, dan masih sama seperti kemarin, gue stuck di rumah.
Dan gue jadi kepikiran sama sekolah. How great waktu - waktu gue di sekolah, walaupun capek, sibuk, kadang rasanya sampe pingin loncat dari lantai 3, tapi ternyata itu jauuuhh lebih baik daripada stuck begini.
Ahh, ngomong - ngomong soal sekolah, gue jadi kangen manusia - manusia di kelas gue.
Gue buka folder foto - foto kelas. Dan ............

Foto - foto ini hasil jepretan waktu ada event OSDOSKRICK (Osis Dosman Cricket), yaitu turnament olahraga kricket antar kelas di sekolah gue. Diambil di Stadion Dipta, sekitar awal Maret, I guess. 

Turnamentnya lumayan gede sih, tapi yang mau gue share sekarang point of view-nya sebatas manusia - manusia di kelas gue aja ya.

Check this out :

 Ini, gue dan kawan - kawan mainnya di sini nih

 Setiap pagi, sebelum semuanya luluh lantah diterjang hujan, badai, dan matahari di tengah lapangan (gue ngomong apa? -_-), manusia satu ini selalu heboh mintain tanda tangan.
Dan lo kenal dia siapa? Yaya. Lo pasti kenal.

Sebelum mulai tanding, biasanya pemanasan dulu. Sederhana aja. 
Diperagain sama yang pake jaket merah tuh :D
Ambil ponsel dari saku, senyum, dan jepret, jepret. 
Lumayan untuk meregangkan otot tangan dan seputaran bibir yang kaku.

 Sebelum tanding, kelas gue membiasakan diri untuk berdoa. 
Tanding nggak tanding, semua anggota kelas ikut doa.
Sambil rangkul - rangkulan gitu biar makin greget.

Habis berdoa biasanya kita TOSS, atau eh apasih namanya?
Ya pokoknya gitu. Seru - seruan, nyatuin tangan, dan teriak!
Teriakannya sumpah : ngawur, lawak, sesuka hati :D
Tapi itu dia "the power of STENFORD" (nama kelas gue).
Rasanya pasti menang kalo udah TOSS B)

Ini taken pas lagi tanding.
catching - running - batting - bowling
diperagakan oleh model yang berbakat di bidangnya. LOL.
well, para model di atas ini semacam .... bintang lapangannya kelas gue :D 

 emm, ngomong - ngomong soal bintang, yang pake baju PINK! itu semuanya bintang kelas gue yang lagi semacam registrasi siap tanding.
atas : team all star putra 
bawah : team all star putri. ada gue di sanaaa!!! ada guee!! (histeris)
Semua anak main di turnament ini. Cuma ada yang namanya team all star. Itu sejenis tim terbaik di kelas yang bakal diadu sama tim terbaik dari kelas lain. 
 The power of suporter!
Kita semua saling support, selalu heboh, tegang, mendadak alay, kalo ada manusia berbaju PINK! lagi tanding.

Jujur, gue bingung setiap liat foto ini, dan inget mereka waktu itu.
Ini mereka pada ngapain sih??

Momen paling seru itu biasanya pas lagi selebrasi.
Ini salah satunya. Harlem shake!

Jodi - Gue - Tiara - Bagas
Selebrasi. Waktu itu kebiadaban kita keluarrrr semua. HAHA. 
Hampir semua jadi di luar kendali. 
Ini hanya beberapa ekspresi yang kena jepret.


Gue ngakak liat yang satu ini.
Ceritanya pamer "sesuatu di balik kaus PINK!", gitu? haha

 Irvan - Ardi - Gana
Posenya Ardi sama Gana itu ...... banget :D

Ketua & Wakil Ketua STENFORD
Menjelang pertandingan final.
Isyarat tampang & sorot matanya like : GUYS! KITA HARUS MENANG! MARI RAIH MASA DEPAN CERAH dan CEMERLANG!

Lumayan cerah dan cemerlang. HAHA
Ada kaus PINK! diantara penerima piala. 
Di shoot pula. Masuk tipi cuyy :D

Last day.
Sebelum pulang, foto bareng duluuu.

Thats all.

Apr 9, 2013

A Voice of Disappointment

Untuk apa berlatih keras.
Bercucur keringat, lelah.
Jatuh, terluka.
Jika akhirnya,
Orang yang tidak pernah merasakan kerasnya menempa diri
Bisa berlari lebih jauh

Mar 8, 2013

Love ?

Well, I'm just too young to understand that thing perfectly. 

Mar 3, 2013

Beautiful February : Balance of Life

February 2013 such a turning point for me. Beautiful moments came and approached me in every single second I had. I was drowning in my own happiness. I didn't even remember  about the sadness of leaving my wonderful small old city.

I’m awake from that infinite cold. I realize, that I've got those all things that I've missed before. My life, love and laugh. I’ve found the new one, here in Bali.

This beautiful February just blow my mind to a great deep understanding of life.

People in here just did a lot of great things and made that moments with me, that I love them so damn much. 

While the others in my old city just kept on supporting me, save me in their heart.
 ---Well, for this February, I’m so thankful to my freakin Kodok that always there for disturbing my day (oops).
Aditio Artayasa, my ex-competitor, but now we are supporting each other.
Ayu Dhyaradha and Arindra Pemilia for our gossip girl.---

And so guys I get a conclusion, that I love my life here and cant leave anything I had in the past.
So, it comes to be a balance of life.

Feb 14, 2013

Happy Valentine for everyone .. 

Happy February for my Aquarians .. 

I love yaaa .. 

Feb 4, 2013

Getting Worse

All are getting worse as you growing up and getting more big and adult.

Just like a thing you drink before you go to the bed.

When I was on Kindergarten, I always have a glass of white milk ( I forget the flavor. But it was scared to me at that time) in my hand before I go to my bed.

When I was on Elementary School, I asked to my Mom for a glass of chocolate milk. But my Mom just gave me a glass of 3/4 white and 1/4 chocolate milk (Do you know Milo? Yeah, my Mom mixed the white milk with that Milo)

Then when I was on Junior High, finally I got the pure chocolate milk before I go to my bed. Well, my Mom was keep saying that chocolate is bad for my throat. But we were apart at that time. I was in Lombok and she was in Bali. So, I was lie on her about drinking a glass of white milk every night.

And now, Im on High School, guys.
I need a good thing passing through my tongue. I need a thing that can keep my eyes open till the mid night.
So, I drink a cup of coffee tonight.

Well, I kinda thinking about things I'll drink on the next 2 years. When Im on college.
Whats worse than coffee?
Jack Daniel's maybe?

In a level : a cup of coffee

Jan 15, 2013



That's the one of the best quote that I ever heard. 
I love that sentence for sure. 
But I hate the fact that I cant say it head on people who loving me that much. 

Jan 2, 2013

Hi 2013 !

Okay, I know it's the 2nd of January, 2013, already. But I think its not too late to say :

Well, I had no party on December, 31 2012
I had no dance, or people yelled around me and said happy new year together
I just had junk food and soda for my dinner (I love 'em so much), and a loud music, exclusive from my own headset.
Oh, I also had fireworks above my head. Some people just ignite it, and all I did was just sitting in my veranda and watched they out. They were damn beautiful!

There was no star at that night. The only one that shone in the sky was Mars, I guess. (except the fireworks, off course)
So I was a bit doubt to wish a thing. Well, because there was no wishing star would fall and made my wish comes true. lol.


So whats up, new year?

Lets start on flashback.
It was great, unforgettable, the best, and also the worst.
I had so many beautiful moments, and had to leave it all, also. Well, it was complicated.

And now, how about the future?
Well, since there’s no wishing star, so Im not going to wish any miracles.
I just wanna make some reflection about things I had did before and make sure, next, I’ll getting better.
Yeah, I’ll be like the fireworks. Bright, great, free, and beautiful in the darkness!