Jul 22, 2014

Happy Sweet Seventeen

I'm happy along this age, seventeen. Everythings are just so sweet on my seventeen. I'm accepted in a best Perguruan Tinggi Negeri in this seventeen. I love my seventeen. People loving me. God bless me.
(to be continue..... bakal ngepost rada panjang, tapi entaran. gue belum dapet pict buat postingan ini. keep reading!)

Feb 7, 2014

If there's a thing you shoulda remember when you crashes down, it gonna be this thing :
God gives you all you need.

Jan 3, 2014


Ppl (including me) do sum celebration over this thing, for the new year, and I dunno why.
I mean, what to celebrate?
Too happy that they can pass 2013 and keep alive, so they need to celebrate it. Is it?

Whatever it is, Im just going to wish a (lotta) things in this post :
That new year equals to new expectation, new friends, new boyfriend, new place to go, new medals, new great moments, new chance, and new happiness.

Well, thats all.
HAPPY 2014!

Girls, Sanur, Bali, and beautiful new year eve.