Oct 31, 2012

midnight musing

Well, after a long struggle.
After a long time suffering a thing named missing.
After a long process of curing a wound in the heart.

Finally I can fly away across the life
With a smile
Spreading the sounds of laugh
Catching a tiny moment to fall in love
For a while, I even can forget what I ever had in the past.

I'm looking for every pieces of my happiness
I'm trying to leaving all the sadness
I'm trying to be conscious
I'm here. Not there anymore.

I do.
I'm feeling a change.
I'm feeling a beautiful time approaching me.
I'm moving on.

But I'm still fragile.
I know I will easily broke
Even by a very soft touch of everything about memories in the past.

I'm strong.
But not strong enough to hold the memories for not flowing in my mind.
I let it go.
I let them hear and know, how much I miss them.

Oct 27, 2012

Penghuni Terakhir

hi guys ..
detik ini gue lagi di kelas. 
di hari Sabtu, di saat gue ga ada ekskul, di saat anggota PMR dari kelas gue lagi pada ngumpul nun jauh di lantai dasar sana, di saat temen - temen gue yang lain udah pada pulang.
ga tau kenapa, gue demen banget jadi penghuni terakhir kelas. 

waktu masih jaman gue di Spendu (re : my Junior High School) , gue udah sering banget diem di kelas sendiri, bareng laptop gue, gitar di kelas, dan speaker kece yang dulu ada di kelas gue. 
kadang gue latian main gitar sendiri. enak bgt deh, bisa puas latian sambil nyanyi - nyanyi sendiri. 
yak waktu itu gue emang lagi semangat - semangatnya belajar gitar. 
dan lebih sering lagi gue internetan sambil denger lagu pake speaker. 
lagu - lagu yang gue putar keras di dalam keras adem ber-AC itu sudah lebih dari cukup buat bikin suasana rame. 

and now,Saturday, 27th of Oct 
My first time of being alone in my class at Dosman (re : my High School)

duduk di kursi guru sambil ngetik postingan ini, berdampingan sama jendela dengan gentle breeze ala lantai tiga. 
well, peaceful itu memang terlalu sederhana. 

Oct 10, 2012

Who the motherfuckin bitch cares about that shit? 
You don't even need to give a fuck to that bullshit. 
- Kodok

Oct 1, 2012

High school
The life comes alive. And everything seems ain't right - G